Just a small aside in regards to the mention in week 3 about Multiplayer gaming and chat/interaction within.
Much like that used to a 'useful' means within the fiction of NEW MODEL ARMY the idea of co-ordinating attacks and planning raids (ala World of Warcraft) is not the only purpose communication on the battlefield provides for. Marvel scribe Brian Michael Bendis during one of his lengthy Q and As (search for the Bendis Tapes) on the podcast Word Baloon (http://wordballoon.blogspot.com/ or via itunes) spoke lovingly of his time spent fragging his fellow Marvel writers at the game Call of Duty 5: World at War.
This was not the full extent of their interaction however as his friends list reads as a who's who of the top names at the company. His exclusive friends list gaming sessions filled with the likes of Matt Fraction (Iron Man writer), Ed Brubaker (Captain America and Xmen) and Rick Remender (Punisher War Journal). Not only do the gents run around shooting each other but the writer confessed their xbox live sessions became a perfect opportunity to 'break' or discuss story ideas and upcoming plotlines for their various characters.
The multiplayer arena becoming a story meeting of sorts for the companies top writers to privately bounce ideas back and forth along with a few digital bullets.
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